Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack Main specimen
{ Description | Flower }

Murraya paniculata has a few-flowered paniculate inflorescence. The flowers are pure white, axillary and solitary or in short axillary and terminal corymbs. The pedicels are 0.5 to 1 cm long.
The calyx is yellow-greenish coloured and composed of 5 parts. It is 2-3 mm across with 5 lobes to about 1 mm long. These lobes (sepals) are triangular and puberulent. The corolla is 5-lobed. The 5 petals are 5-8 mm wide and about 2 cm long, elliptic to ovate-elliptic and pure white coloured.
The disk is erect, glabrous and has the same width as the ovary.
There are 10 stamens with 6-10 mm long filaments (short and long alternation) and short anthers (less than 1 mm long). The pistil is composd of a 2-3 mm long ovary, a 7-10 mm long and filiform style and a capitate and 2-lobed stigma. The ovary is 2-locular with solitary ovule per locule.
The flowers are very fragant (orange-like fragrance).
The buds are pale green.

Murraya paniculata branchlet with flower and buds
Murraya paniculata flower and buds
Murraya paniculata flower parts (petals and reproductive structures)
Murraya paniculata flowers and buds
Murraya paniculata flower and pistils (after pollination)
Murraya paniculata flower
Murraya paniculata flower after pollination : gynoecium (stigma, style and ovary)
Murraya paniculata bud
Date of collection
Collected by
GPS coordinates
11.99602 N - 79.82139 E
Pitchandikulam Forest, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India