Murraya paniculata has a few-flowered paniculate inflorescence. The flowers are pure white, axillary and solitary or in short axillary and terminal corymbs. The pedicels are 0.5 to 1 cm long.
The calyx is yellow-greenish coloured and composed of 5 parts. It is 2-3 mm across with 5 lobes to about 1 mm long. These lobes (sepals) are triangular and puberulent. The corolla is 5-lobed. The 5 petals are 5-8 mm wide and about 2 cm long, elliptic to ovate-elliptic and pure white coloured.
The disk is erect, glabrous and has the same width as the ovary.
There are 10 stamens with 6-10 mm long filaments (short and long alternation) and short anthers (less than 1 mm long). The pistil is composd of a 2-3 mm long ovary, a 7-10 mm long and filiform style and a capitate and 2-lobed stigma. The ovary is 2-locular with solitary ovule per locule.
The flowers are very fragant (orange-like fragrance).
The buds are pale green.
11.99602 N - 79.82139 E